Sunday, July 21, 2013

Wanna see what the Government is gonna do next?

People seem shocked when the Federal Government takes away your rights or do something else idiotic and all you gotta do is look at the Laws the Federal Motor Carrier Administration puts forth against Truck Drivers.
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Truck Drivers are told how many hours a day and week they can work, Truck Drivers are told how long they should sleep, Truck Drivers medical card is now tied in with their Drivers license. Do I need to go on. Wait till this Obama Administration starts putting scales on the sidewalk and weighs you and if you weigh too much and they have the Police to write you a ticket. Impossible its coming because they are trying to do it to truckers now.
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They want to make you think the middle east is why the Gas Prices are so high. It is not 100% accurate I'd say 50-75% is the US EPA and the regulations that they impose upon the Industry. This is the Imperialistsic United States.

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