Wednesday, July 31, 2013

How to get a free 1 Year SAMS Club membership

othe first thing you do whenyou gotoSAMS Club is head overtothe customerservice counter. After allyou actually NEED a membershiptoget into the store.

They willask you for your ID and credentials, etc…just get the account you want,fill out the paperwork and pay foryourmembership.

Now goabout your business and buy what you want for about 50 weeks (almost anentire year). The SAMS Club membership agreement states that you can return your membership card for afullrefund at any time for any reason.

Now I know what you are thinking… this is shady. I disagree. You see the one problem that I have with the membershipis that I have topaytospend my money in their store. With this policy, they address that issue. (Method #1)I canreturn my membership onweek50 , get afull refund,and purchase another one. I’ve done this three times toget a FREE1 Year SAMS Club Membership. A managerwas called over the second time I did it and I explained that I was very satisfied with the product line, just not with the ideathat I had to pay for the right toshopthere,and noted that their return policy addressed this issue nicely. He agreed, gave the cashier the nod, and said good one.I got my Free1 year Sams Club membership.If this method willcause you tofeel uncomfortable you canemploy method#2 . Method# 2 is simply toreturn the membership at the SAMS club you are at foryour full refund. Gohome, and get your Free 1 year Sams Club membershiponline.

If you doubt my methods for the Free 1 year Sams Club Membershipyou cansee for yourself, read the first paragraph of their policy.

Whena company gives asatisfaction guarantee they doit because theywant you to be fully satisfied. If you can become satisfied by utilizing the membership, and the guarantee thenthey have fulfilled their mission, and sohave you. It is ethical, you are the customer, and the money back guarantee is theiroffer that you will be satisfied.

Sowhen you notice your membershipexpire date is approaching,don’tbe afraid to goupto the customer service desk and get your refund/renewal. Now take the money you just saved and goget a FREE COSTCO membershipthe process is alittle different and we show you how to get TWO memberships! We talked toa SAMS Club PR and they told us the reason they have the returnpolicywide openis to make sure theircustomers are satisfied with the membership. They realize there is a certain portion oftheir membershipbase that does not like the idea ofsupporting the club through apaid for membershipand this return policy is aneffective way toremedy that issue and make those customers happy.

Trucking Lyfe has not tried this nor do we endorse it. We posted this for Educational Purposes only. The info was found on the Review Board.

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